We Must Preserve a Republican Form of Government.
We Must Preserve a Republican Form of Government.
American Patriotism is dying and being replaced by anti-nationalistic views and Marxian social theory. Together we will fight to preserve American History, teach basic economics and support capitalist free market policies. No longer shall U.S. Citizens feel ashamed of their heritage or to be a Western Chauvinist.
Help fight to eliminate the income tax. Keep your hard earned dollar. Real and personal property should not be taxed and should be declared unconstitutional.
Abolish property taxes. Why should an American who has properly payed in full for their house; have to continue to pay property taxes? That is not real ownership of property you are a slave to government. We fight for Freedom.
Communists, Anarchists, Marxists and Democratic Socialists are calling again for social justice and end to the division of labor. Race baiters and so called "liberal" socialists will bring down the country. We must end this collectivist brainwashing and promote American Exceptionalism.
Small Business can not grow and compete against larger corporations with a minimum wage. Business does not have the capital necessary to pay for such wages and it interferes with efficiency and also increases unemployment. Less workers less production.
America no longer has free trade. We are filled with quotas, licensing, improper tariffs, and unwanted government regulations. We will push to eliminate the red tape and allow for the free market to grow. Less government intervention in the free market will stop monopoly growth.
Illegal Immigrants are not sustainable economically, and many are a threat to our national security. Majority of these aliens steal American jobs and ask for welfare benefits. By allowing American companies to hire these illegal aliens we are knowingly and wrongfully exploiting these people in order to save money rather than hire American
Illegal Immigrants are not sustainable economically, and many are a threat to our national security. Majority of these aliens steal American jobs and ask for welfare benefits. By allowing American companies to hire these illegal aliens we are knowingly and wrongfully exploiting these people in order to save money rather than hire American. Illegal immigrants must be deported to make room for naturalized Americans.
We believe in the NRA's fundamental values and believe all Americans should own a fire arm and understand how to properly operate it. This is an inalienable right which allows for Americans to silence government tyranny when ever it may occur. We defend the right to own semi-automatic rifles and are willing to serve the militia if the Tree of Liberty needs washing.
We proudly support the First Amendment and its five inalienable rights. By supporting the First Amendment we support Freedom of speech. By doing so we support individuals right to speak hatefully or inflammatory for that matter but may not condone it in all instances. We do not support verbal threats.
Prior to the 16th Amendment it was considered unconstitutional to tax real and personal property doing so would be a direct tax. The Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional to tax income derived from property without apportionment among the states without any regard to a census or enumeration. This can be seen in POLLOCK V. FARMER'S LOAN AND TRUST. CO (1895). By abolishing the 16th Amendment it would require our government to have to adhere to a strict budget and tax based on population. Taxes can be raised by the state in a more indirect way; allowing for more power to the citizens to choose where our dollar goes as opposed to some inefficient government program.
An American that owns a home should not lose it simply because they can not pay off property taxes. By eliminating property taxes Americans who have paid off their home loans will no longer face eviction and can be secured knowing that their property is in their complete possession.
We believe that states should adopt a one time land value tax when you purchase a home. We also want to make it optional for people who want yearly land value taxes to pay for local public schools or other resources. This will allow individuals to have more direct say in where they want to put their money. I also believe that it will also allow for individuals to increase the value of their properties. Since land is only being taxed and buildings are not; it is cost efficient to use as much more of the land. This will encourage low income house holds to either want to improve or sell their homes take advantage in the increase of value and profit that can be made from the home. By implementing this we could see a building boom, as seen in several counties in Pennsylvania. If we explain to our citizens the benefits of this form of taxation, we could increase employment and provide better jobs toward underdeveloped communities.
Critical Race Theory is a type of social science that was developed and written by Kimberlé Crenshaw and several other socialist philosophers who are influenced by the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Critical Theory was originally developed by Marxist theorists such as Herbert Marcuse; who was a key professor at the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Marcuse and many other socialists such as Antonio Gramsci, Gyorgy Luckac, Theodor Adorno, and Max Horkheimer have all wanted to change Marxism and instill a new form of cultural Marxism through Critical Theory. As it is defined Critical Theory is "a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain it.". In short, it is a critique on capitalism on the affect of humans socially and economically. In doing so it judges people the same way Karl Marx did only now placing what them in individual groups where almost anybody can be labeled as an oppressor. For example, say there is a black man and a white man the white man in the so called system is actually an oppressor as opposed to the black man. Now say we took a black man and a black transexual, the black transexual would be considered the oppressed in this instance. Another way of looking at it can be seen by religion, parental status, age, etc. The point is to recreate the original Bourgeoisie by forming a more complex and multilayered "oppressed vs oppressor", "Black vs White" view in society.
With the help of the universities they have been able to use the process of The Long March through the Institutions. This essential educational indoctrination, has become the first step in attempting to recreate communist education centers. Communists can shape our behaviors and policies of the country to accept a new form of thinking and teaching. They want to decolonize the society in its old ways of teaching and dialectic form similar to the famous Brazilian egalitarian Paulo Friere, and how he viewed life in his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed. These ideas have been used in Brazilian education system and it has devastated the country because now no one respects the teachers. Professors and student have been taught to be considered equal, so that they can eliminate the hierarchy between them. This has resulted in a huge amount of disrespect in the class and has caused the authority of the teacher to diminish along side academic scores.
Intersectionality is a way that these racist socialists measure our traits and group us within the capitalist society. It is a framework of traits and you can either end up being the oppressed or oppressor forming the class warfare mentality. The end goal is to make us feel as equal as the CCP or USSR when the politburo wears all black clothing to create the idea of uniformity.
Social Justice in todays society is related to Karl Marx and his "Conflict Theory". These social justice activists such as Black Lives Matter Organization, and Refuse Fascism are all actually Marxists-Maoists who wish to destroy Western Civilization and United States Constitution and convert it into a dystopia. They support feminizing men and breaking down of gender barriers similar to that of the Chinese Communist Party. In doing so they can destroy the nuclear family and end the biological fact that men and women are different. By supporting sexual, woman, and black liberation they have created degenerates in our society who care too much about sexuality and convince them to believe that the U.S. Constitutional Republic is a dirty, capitalist, imperialist society full of racists policies. By doing this they create conflict between the races all so they can find more power within our capitalist free system and create a revolutionary vanguard. This vanguard is needed to move the United States of America into a post capitalist society by instilling democracy. The goal of intersectionality is to take the so called oppressed in our society and have them join forces together in a big mob movement to push the country to abolish the electoral college and have us become a direct democracy.
By eliminating the minimum wage, workers will have the power to negotiate for their wages and less skilled workers will have the ability to trade their labor for less money or other benefits. It will allow for younger, or less skilled Americans to also work their way up and develop skills that can help them acquire a higher wage.
The issue with the federal minimum wage is that it is too high. Individuals with small amount of capital trying to create a business face a large problem. The issue is that for every full time worker they hire, they need a minimum of $14,500 a year in wages. This hurts small business, with a small amount of capital, small business can not hire the sufficient amount of people needed to produce a certain amount of output. Larger companies like Amazon already pay above the federal minimum wage by giving $15 an hour due to the power of their own unions. If we were to increase the minimum wage to $15 for example, Amazon would not be harmed. Amazon instead would benefit from the increase in demand from the closures of smaller business and lack of competition; the flow of money would go to Amazon making it into a stronger monopolized company.
As the minimum wage increases workers will be fired and replaced by self serving kiosks, more artificial technology in the manufacturing and service industry will get rid jobs for those who are lower skilled and in the lower economic status. By allowing for more negotiation between the workers and business they can negotiate wages and we can see a system similar to that of Switzerland.
Occupational licensing has been an absolute job killer for the economy. Federal bureaucratic regulators and members of unionized corporations have put these "requirements" in order to decrease the supply of workers and increase the price for the worker based on the increase in demand. This unneeded level of licensing has spread to many industries such as healthcare, real estate, transportation, construction, architecture and even the cosmetic industry. This impacts lower skilled and lower class workers, they can not afford to compete against others due to the cost of the certifications. By eliminating these Federal and State regulations our citizens who are lower skilled and on the lower economic spectrum will be allowed to compete and gain skills without costing them. Individuals will no longer have to pay several hundred to thousands of dollars in unnecessary certification training and fees that take away money and time to those who are already struggling to live off their paycheck.
Throughout the recent decades climate change remains an issue within our society. Environmental Socialists have called for a new way to solve this being the Green New Deal. They plan within the Green New Deal to destroy the fossil fuel industry and create a socialist utopia that will move us into a new age of renewable energy within ten years. The Green New Deal calls for limiting or abolishing air travel, internal combustion engines, eliminating millions of jobs for the production, parts, sales, and maintenance of automobiles. This elimination of transportation will be replaced by a high speed electric rail, everyone is guaranteed a job, individuals who do not wish to work will be paid by the government and healthcare and secondary education will be included and free within this deal. This would cost the U.S. about a third of its current GDP adding to a total of seven trillion dollars in Federal spending. The goal to fund this program is by implementing a higher tax plan to pay for this. In all the rising taxes will simply reduce tax revenues since the job market has shrunk. With the Federal spending alone these people will move the U.S. into a man made famine and we will all feel the consequences like the failed experiments in Russia, Mozambique, Venezuela, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Cuba, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Algeria, Korea, Poland, Germany, Somalia, and many of the tens of countries who have felt the "unintended" consequences of these radical communists.
To combat climate change we must embrace as a country our original roots of laissez-faire economics if we would like to see an actual change to the climate change initiative.
In order to fight climate change and lead society in the new digital revolution; we must open the American economy and eliminate the red tape that is stopping its full potential. By introducing free trade, outside competitors will be attracted to compete against domestic producers and citizens will be able to choose products and invest in companies that they feel will be more sustainable and bring actual change to our energy efficiency. The U.S. must continue to lead in the massive emissions decreases as seen in the gigaton drop between 2000-2019. By producing more efficient facilities to burn fossil fuels or develop more nuclear power plants that are actually safer and reduce can reduce our carbon footprint by about net zero by 2050. We can solve our 6% contribution to emissions as stated in Massachusetts v. EPA.
Another important step is to get rid of corporate welfare by eliminating subsidies to industries like Big Oil and Big Pharma. We can also reduce the length of patents in order to increase supply and lower prices through generic products whether that be for hair products or healthcare equipment.
In todays society China and many Asian countries are an economic and military threat towards us. We must compete against them and win. By introducing sanctions and introducing free trade to our allies we must convince our allies to join us in our great economic and innovative revolution. We must eliminate federal funding of organizations such as N.A.TO. and U.N. They have allowed for our enemies such as China to take advantage of their identification as a developing nation to advance their economies and grow their industries in ways that we can no longer compete. China has been a leading exporter for years and continues to attract more corporations and outsource American jobs. They have also in this same time period been able to push out more emissions and pollution than the U.S.
In order to combat these polluters and allow for Americans to continue the investment in renewable energies this can only be done by free choice of the people which will require carbon fuels.
The more competition will create a boost in economic growth and innovation will be lead by other small business's that will have the opportunity to make a name for themselves like Tesla, Ford, GM, or Space X. These are clear examples of great ideas that shaped our great Nation not through government intervention but through the private market, by independent choice to achieve wealth and achieve a more advanced American society.
Thomas Jefferson one of the greatest Founding Fathers of the United States of America made it clear, "Aliens are the subject of a foreign power.". When the 14th Amendment was established it was clear to everyone that it was to give citizenship to recently freed slaves. Democrats and Republicans have willingly misrepresented the 14th amendment in order to have a continuous supply of cheap labor that only helps the lobbyists that control them. As stated by the former Republican Senator. Jacob Howard who authored the citizenship clause in the 14th amendment: "This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”.
Today, citizens of the United States are tasked with having to pay over $130 billion in education, healthcare, and policing toward illegal aliens. Majority of the funds is having to be paid through state and local governments. Illegal immigrants generate only $19 billion in tax revenue a year and in some states like Arizona and Texas they are overrepresented in terms of crime. This is a threat to our economic sustainability and to the safety of our fellow citizens. We must create a wall and get rid of the checkpoints that harass legal residents and citizens and move the checkpoints directly to our border. In order to reduce illegal immigrants from coming into the country we must eliminate all benefits that these illegal aliens receive and reduce federal funding to sanctuary states or cities that promote this behavior. This will reduce the illegal immigrants who see our country as nothing but cookie jar of free welfare benefits.
To do this we must look at Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution and demand from Congress that they uphold our immigration laws and fix the issues of immigration by implementing cheaper worker visas and stricter rules in terms of crimes for legal residents. To fix the issue of illegal immigration we must continue to deport the ones who commit crimes and those who are still here must be able to pay a worker visa fee but we should lower the cost from $190 to $75. By incentivizing people who are poorer to want to become registered legal working residents we can diminish the amount of actual illegal immigration. Anyone who comes to the country illegally after these changes have been made should be instantly deported and no appeals process should be granted.
Political Correctness has destroyed society. The use of social media is a prime example, cancel culture has ruined many peoples reputations and has led to violence as seen in the recent race riots. People today can no longer make a joke or even state basic facts like biology such as differences between the sexes. The LGBTQ, black and women social activists groups have spread the use of Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory which as explained before is expanded critical theory developed by black liberationists such as Kimberely Krenshaw and Angela Davis. Jewish Marxist sociologists such as Herbert Marcuse and others from the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory believed that by using Freudian theory and their own version Marxism can develop a truly equal society. Not just socially but through speech and by organizing privilege based on your Marxist ranking of superiority or inferiority. KGB agents such as Yuri Bezmenov have even explained how they have slowly brainwashed the base (Bourgeoisie). Older hippies and younger generations have been manipulated to unknowingly have the same views as the well known anarchist organizations like ANTIFA; in order to restructure the Marxian Superstructure.
This is a threat towards free speech and the country itself. We must take action by educating people against the Post Modernist view of society and Critical Theory; it will destroy our country by getting rid of the ideals brought upon from the Enlightenment period.
The point of this is to eliminate hate speech, which is free speech. In the photo above is a picture of members of the Westboro Baptist Church this type of speech would be banned under their ideals. Members of the Church are true degenerates of society and Sons of Liberty does not believe their ideas are true but as a civil society we must allow for them to have their say. No matter how reprehensible or inflammatory the comments may be we must not let these views offend us. We must learn to use our words and actions peacefully and civilly against ideas we dislike, only through reasoning can we convince our fellow man to accept one another. Reasoning and by attempting to become the best of yourself in our capitalist society through hard work will show these degenerates that their opinion means nothing. Only when we as a society can accept that can we stop trash like the WestBoro Baptist Church or the Ku Klux Klan which only numbers in the few thousand today as opposed to the tens millions almost a century ago.
Aside from the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the American-Indian Wars, and the Pacific and American War theaters during World War Two. The Battle of Athens depicts a modern day example of why the Second Amendment must not be regulated and why individuals should have the right to bear any type of Arms. The Battle of Athens occurred due to a tyrannical local government within Tennessee. Officers of the city decided to rig an election by withholding the ballots cast in a local jail. Veterans of World War Two who had recently come back from serving consisted of about 10% of the population. They decided to bring justice in their own hands by using machine guns, semi-automatic rifles, and explosive devices to take control of the city again. This was a perfect example of why the Second Amendment was necessary, which is to prevent government tyranny. The Supreme Court within their decisions such as that of D.C. v. Heller; the Court concluded that the Second Amendment is an individual and collective right as defined in the prefatory and operative clauses. Tyrants can only stay in power if the militia is unarmed being the people which consist of the militia.
Americans are proudly standing up to destroy the rights that millions of our fellow countrymen have fought and died to protect.
The use of massacres have helped prop this position on antigun rhetoric. What people fail to explain is how exactly do we stop evil? A gun is not necessary to kill people, a person can use at home materials and create a bomb. The true question is how can we better prepare ourselves individually from this evil? In our opinion disarming the populous does not help.
Modern Sons of Liberty was founded by Patriotic Americans in 2020. Our main goal is to help young Americans be more aware of their American history and heritage. We also push for capitalist free market policies that will help all Americans economically and politically. This organization is secular and classically liberal in nature and open to all U.S. Citizens. We do not judge based on race, religion, creed, ethnicity, etc.
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